Game Jam 2

Our first task as a team was to create a playable concept of what our game would be. During a UofT/OCAD game jam event, we managed to illustrate the concept of collecting a color, and in game objects would be colored once that color is picked up

In the pictures above, the player picks up the blue orb to paint everything labeled as a blue object.

Following the game jam, we completed the logic for one of our puzzle rooms. While the puzzle itself still needs to be built, the framework & code needed is set up so that all that we need to do is create more buttons using the existing framework and map those buttons to separate tiles. In the image below, the blue button rotates the wooden tile, and the puzzle can be checked to see if it is in a solved state. We can simply duplicate the buttons and change the values of the tile(s) associated with that button, which can easily be done in unity by changing one value.

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